For God’s Sake Don’t Test the Students!

Pennsylvania lawmakers took a decisive step toward making sure a Pennsylvania public High School diploma only means “I Showed Up” when they compromised on mandatory final exams for graduating High School students.

Instead, up to $15 million of your tax dollars will be spent developing optional tests that likely won’t be used by school districts who do not want their ability to educate quantified.

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Google: How Should We Know Why Sites Got Shuttered?

Google answered with a great big shoulder shrug when asked how anti-Obama blogs hosted on their Blogger network wound up being shuttered en masse last week.

The company is looking into what happened but thinks the blogs were accidentally identified by spam detection software, Google spokesman Adam Kovacevich said.

“It appears that our anti-spam filters caused some Blogger accounts to be blocked from creating new posts,” he said. “While we are still investigating, we believe this may have been caused by mass spam e-mails mentioning the ‘Just Say No Deal’ network of blogs, which in turn caused our system to classify the blog addresses mentioned in the e-mails as spam. We have restored posting rights to the affective blogs and it is very important to us that Blogger remain a tool for political debate and free expression.”

What a coincidence. All those anti-Obama blogs spontaneously knocked off-line without any human intervention.  Anything to avoid admitting that a coordinated attack by a group of Obama-nations could stifle the free speech of folks who refuse to be part of the coronation.

Saddam’s Nuclear Program. Saddam’s WHAT?!?!

Cool bunnet!Creative Commons License photo credit: Gareth Harper

Bush lied, everybody died.  We’ve been hearing it for over 5 years now.  Wilson / Plame. Sixteen words. All of it. From spitting tingly legged pundits to Presidential candidates, everybody “knows” that Saddam had no WMD and no program to make WMD. Right?

So imagine my surprise at reading this AP article about how we just secretly disposed of all of Saddam’s “yellowcake” Uranium.

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